Monday, July 16, 2012

What your digital profile says about you...

Almost everyone entering the professional job market today posses some sort of digital profile.  What is a digital profile you may ask?  Essentially a digital profile it is your presence on the web.  Most job searches begin by someone with that company going to Google, Facebook or LinkedIn and typing your name in.  What comes up has the potential to make or break your quest to find that perfect job.

So, what should you do?  Tom Searcy, writing for CBS Money Watch recommends three steps to maintaining your digital profile:
  1. Know your digital twin
  2. Manage your digital win
  3. Work on the digital twins of your team members
His whole article and tips can be found HERE.

Another article dealing with how to make your digital profile work for you was written by Steve Buttry,  Director of Community Engagement & Social Media, Digital First Media.  He talks from the point of view of a journalist, however the tips are applicable across the board.  It is a great read and can be found HERE.

Finally for your reading pleasure, I present a web page whose sole purpose of existence is to broadcast on the web people's various posts from Facebook, Twitter, FourSquare, Yahoo, Google and other social media sources.  Read the fine print at the bottom of the page if you are wondering how they collect this information.  The moral of this site is "We know what you're going...and we think you should stop."

Happy Monday all!

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